
a star

Today, I was supposed to meet with my piano student earlier in the afternoon. She (and maybe her dad) became my first student(s) here in Oklahoma and today would be the first piano lesson I gave in OKC so I was pretty excited about it. I had like 7 students in Wisconsin but I didn’t really teach in my first year here. His dad called me last minute and said that his daughter had to take an exam and asked if we could do later in the evening… I went to school, bumped into Satoshi, whom I just met last Friday, he was a new graduate student from Japan. He knew I just started to learn Japanese. He asked how’s my learning going? I said, oh I just learnt .."night" yesterday. He said, Yuugata! "What?" "it means afternoon" "oh thank you, I have to go…."

Later I came out from the music school, wanted to go back for food, bumped into him again, same place, he was outside the library. I saw so many ppl walking in and out from the cafeteria so I went in to check out. Wow there was food right OUTSIDE the cafeteria (tables were set up and it was very crowded), I asked one of the people who served food there what was that about , she said...just free food...so I thought to inform satoshi about that since he was telling me that he couldnt cook in the uni dorm at all, he wasnt outside the library, so i went into the library and grabbed him...he told me..."hon" (=books) when we walked past the bookshelf. ok so today i learnt two words

进去不久却看见一个人在拉小提琴, 在cafeteria 别人的餐桌旁拉小提琴? 这个人是怎么回事,在这么吵的状况下还拉得那么开心。 我门拿了食物后选了个位置, 我一直往那里看,忽然间想到, 他该不是那个我一直想认识的。。。kyle 吧, 第一次听到她是从贝的口中, 她说他有一个朋友, 跟她合作过, 很爱玩即兴,觉得我们有相同的兴趣 应该约出来介绍我认识。。听了关于他好多东西,我也一直都想找个小提琴家合作一些现代的音乐, 编曲或即兴之类。。。 终于有一天在一个作曲家的发表会上看到他演奏,看到节目表上写kyle, 那整个演奏会很震撼, 他的表演更是其中一个很大的贡献。。演奏会完毕我想过去道贺, 不知道怎么的我跟作曲家与其他的主要的表演者道贺了就是没有机会跟他说话, 好像是太多人走去找他而我又赶时间。 今天, 我忽然觉得现在这个人有可能是他, 身形很象, 不知道哪来的胆子 在他拉完一曲后, 我走过去,他一转过身看到我就很热情的拥着, 我想他大概是把我误 以为是一个他认识却不记得的fans。 因为我很肯定他不认识我, 所以我有点被吓到,我说。。。excuse me ..r u。。 kyle? "YES"..."OH I have heard so much about you....." "..........." "................".................. "oh thank you so much for approaching me, where do you sit let me come play for you.."结果他真的走向我门那一桌, 我们刚好坐在角落,桌与桌之间的空间小到不行,他就在那个很狭小的缝里拉起来,我还没那么近距离看一个人拉过琴,基本上整个乐器就在我眼睛旁边没有几公分的距离, 看着怕演奏者会 不自在, 不看也不是, 一曲 后又一曲,近距离看只觉得技巧很吓人, 而且他实在是太自然了, 纵使那么靠近观众, 然后他蹲下来跟我与satoshi 说话, 因为他站的位置小到没办法放张椅子...他听到satoshi 从日本来就说什么上过日本的哪一个电视台什么的, 惊叹的表情忽然间在satoshi 的脸上出现, 后来他才告诉我说那是日本最大的电视台。。。更让我惊讶的是,我还以为他还搞不太清楚马来西亚在哪里 的时候, 他说他到过那里好多次了。。我看他飞吗来西亚的次数比我还多。。他说他被邀请表演给我门的苏丹(就是我们国家宫廷里的皇族)。。这。。。感觉上我门就象看到大明星一样, 可是他一点架子都没有, 还拿出卡片, 我门请他签名, 我问他有没有在什么地方表演他说每个星期四在kamps 希望我门有时间可以去看看, 后来我准备跟satoshi 离开他刚好走过来跟我说话, 我坐回去, 聊了好一阵子, 聊 到一半 又 坐着拉了一首啊拉伯 乐曲, 说道我以前编过一个马来西亚民谣给以前我在wisconsin-madison 的乐团他忽然见拉起我门最有名的一个民谣还才唱起来。。。rasa sayang eh, 我刚感冒好没什么声音可是还是跟着一起唱了一点。。天啊他真的什么都会也。。他也很友善, 知道我暑假要到boston 和纽约去参加一些音乐活动,他说走前可以 get together, 我说贝之前有想过找他可是觉得他应该很忙, 到处飞到处演奏, 他说是没错可是呆在oklahoma 的时间也不少。。。哦对了聊 到一半 我看到了一个象我门学校president的人站起来准备离开,我说, 哦that is our president...他说哦have u met Tom? " I ...", 他忽然间 就这样子喊‘tom!。。” 他没有听到继续走, 我还来不及阻止kyle 他又再叫了一下, 他回头, 我吓到, kyle 带我走过去介绍说"have u met yl?" president 也很友善跟我握手说话, "she is a pianist."..' Oh I think I have seen you before...i saw you play.." 他想不起来哪一次, 我想可能他大概听kyle说我弹琴 就想到可能有见过我。。。’very talented.." 走前他有些激动地搭着kyle 对我说: 不管别人认不认同, kyle is the best student OCU ever produced....

oops, i almost forgot about my student because of all that, i better left..。。

what an interesting day today, it was like meeting a star...我比较可以理解歌迷疯狂于偶像的感觉了,i hardly felt that kinda excitement on many things (or people) that many people might be crazy about, but i think when it comes to musicians whom I like i would be so excited to meet and talk with them

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