i thought i would have a long intro. about blog, but no, no intro this time
今天心血来潮拿出咖啡色的外套,穿上出门,手插口袋,摸到一个感觉好熟习毛毛的东西,忽然间很高兴,觉得可能是它回来了,果然是我咖啡色绑头发用的圈圈没错。 好久不见,你回来了,原来你在这里,一定是我之前因为穿上咖啡色外套所以配上了咖啡色发圈... 我在等我的手表。。学生证。。你门什么时候回来
今天第一次在oklahoma 煮给那么多人吃
今天回家9点半,本来要练琴,结果遇到一个小学朋友,聊得正起劲,我说我要去练琴,就讲到钢琴这乐器,然后他说他想学爵士, 从那时候起就停不下来,讲到jazz club....jazz in m'sia..in australia.......后来又被问我毕业后要干嘛,最近好多人问。。。。最后我说我对business 也有兴趣,在马来西亚开个爵士餐厅 (应该是前所未有)? (什么???没有啦,只是想到吃就想到这个。。。)
经过我一个japanese conversation partner 的apartment, 想 到我该回个电话约时间,说好每个星期见一次,这几天他可以的时间我刚好都不行,今天临时决定要煮所以又不行,觉得不好意思还是道个谦好了,站在他的窗外,记得他说过这是我的APARTMENT, 你随时有事拿东西丢我窗口叫我,看到他灯还亮, 想说这个时候他不是应该在跑步吗,我找不到什么东西丢,打了通电话,说我就在你家门外要不要出来谈,他刚好要出去跑步, 请我等一下,我向泳池走去,风迎面吹来,真不错, 很舒服,忘了自己还在感冒,他出来我向他道歉并交代好后就说你可以开始跑了,结果我们用走的向音乐馆走去,他说他还有很多时间可以跑没关系,我说你真的每天都一定要跑吗?一天不跑不行?他说不行,一定要,他从8岁就开始MARTIAL ARTS, 从那时候起就好像注定似的,离不开,我说可是跑步又不是MARTIAL ARTS,
他一本正经的说,it is like the same, but i do it in my mind when i am running, it is hard to explain..i cannot stop, it makes me feel good, makes me confident..
我 : i wish i can be like u, that kind of discipline, that kind of voice in mind that tells u that u cannot stop, u have to, u must...(i was thinking about practising obviously) how sad, i always need to have someone pushing me (i was thinking about how i still needed my teacher to push me..), but... u shouldnt be fear of stopping anything
他: i feel confident from the training ..so i cant stop, but i think u have the confidence..
我:。。。。(really? am I a confident person? what makes u think that)
我:ok i have to learn a word everytime
他:what do you want to learn,
我: what about ...night?
他: 哦。。yoru
觉得有点冷,我就用日语说‘冷’,问他说要怎么说, it is cold here....
this meeting is good, i learnt sth, it is saving both our time, because we both were walking for our own purpose, i was walking towards practise room, he was walking towards his "running track"
Motivation for the day:
他每天一定要跑步的定力,加强了我每天也要练琴的定力, so i did, which brings today to an end
good nite
back to two days ago
5/25 (friday)
morning, I woke up early, I had to be in a film, our school is making a feature film this summer. The director of this feature film talked to me in the film festival at OCU earlier this semester, trying to promote this film class in which we not only can get credits but we can become part of the film crew. That time he probably didnt know I was participating in the film festival, he just knew I was a pianist. Some time later, we met in the music school, he told me that he liked the documentary that I made that was shown in the film fest and then he asked me if I could be the organist in one of the scenes of this feature film.
So today was the day. There was a big delay...I know how film works when I was in a film production class in Wisconsin...so I could kinda understand..u just had to spend so much time on everything...
I met this Japanese student called Satoshi..Interesting, I was complaining about not seeing a lot of Japanese students here at OKCU because I really wanted to learn Japanese, I even requested for a Japanese roommate before I moved in here, they told me that there arent a lot of japanese students in this school...but lately, it just so happened that I met a lot of Japanese, or I should say, got to know a lot of them better....one just left (yoshi)..
even though it took much time than expected, good thing was that they basically drove me everywhere with that little golf car (sorry dont know what that should be called, but it just reminded me of the golf cars people use to travel around the golf field), and I got to join them for lunch..it was a good one! and then they drove me back even though it was such a short distance
Later bei came and brought me whole bunch medicine and even some chinese herbs and tea...that was sweet of her..she is leaving too in couple days
evening, I had dinner in ken's place..zeus was the cook! i heard he was good so i thought i should really go try it ....wow a lot of people, kinda surprised, stella made me ginger tea for me to help me recover, that was very kind of her, people were shocked by my 'sexy' voice..
Then we went to watched "Pirates". That night was the first showing..I think this was my first time ever going for 首映,basically it means more people= more cars= no parking= have to go early and..more expensive . we were the last car who reached, it was pretty full, we ended up have to sit separately from the group . I love the movie. It got pretty cold, I kept coughing
5/27 (Sun)
I didnt go to dallas today, mainly because I wasnt feeling well and it was probably not suitable for me to have a long trip, plus I wouldnt be able to eat all the good food....esp seafood!!! ah..
I had lunch with zeus instead, he is leaving monday! I promised to treat him before he left because he did me a great favor by bringing my computer all the way to washington to see if it can be saved...my computer was sick..since it was hard to find a time that works for him, I decided to cancel my plan of going to church and the meeting with my japanese conversation partner...he was late though!!! haha but it was ok, he was the 'big person' of the day..we went to a jazz restaurant, he told me that he liked jazz so i thought i should bring him to the place before he leaves here, plus that is the only place that has live jazz music in sunday afternoon..Issei, shy, hal who were jazz musicians were all there either playing or hanging out, kinda surprised, they came talk to me one by one..was a little bit surprised cuz shy never really came talk to me before i think, and he said they would play ballad because i liked it as i mentioned in facebook....they played "someday my prince will come", my favourite tune...reminded me of my jazz teacher, it so happened that everytime I went to see my teacher play he would play this tune
after that we went to check out paseo, a place I heard from yaniv who highly recommended it, never been there, zeus did though, i was telling him about places that he had to go before leaving OK, later he found out that he had been there before, it so happened that they have art festival today, so i thought this might be the good time to take a look, though i know i should be back to school to practise. It was basically like a street...with a lot of booths outside...we tested some wine in the booth that offers wine testing.....cant imagine that i felt a little bit headache later even just a tiny bit....he was like...what? haha
热爱耳环的我买了一对耳环,因为有点损伤所以半价, 嘻
晚上, 发生了一件非常突然的事, 近乎一年了,没想到我竟然得到了个答案,解释与交代, 解开了长久以来的疑惑与不解,totally unexpected, 世事难料
morning, I woke up early, I had to be in a film, our school is making a feature film this summer. The director of this feature film talked to me in the film festival at OCU earlier this semester, trying to promote this film class in which we not only can get credits but we can become part of the film crew. That time he probably didnt know I was participating in the film festival, he just knew I was a pianist. Some time later, we met in the music school, he told me that he liked the documentary that I made that was shown in the film fest and then he asked me if I could be the organist in one of the scenes of this feature film.
So today was the day. There was a big delay...I know how film works when I was in a film production class in Wisconsin...so I could kinda understand..u just had to spend so much time on everything...
I met this Japanese student called Satoshi..Interesting, I was complaining about not seeing a lot of Japanese students here at OKCU because I really wanted to learn Japanese, I even requested for a Japanese roommate before I moved in here, they told me that there arent a lot of japanese students in this school...but lately, it just so happened that I met a lot of Japanese, or I should say, got to know a lot of them better....one just left (yoshi)..
even though it took much time than expected, good thing was that they basically drove me everywhere with that little golf car (sorry dont know what that should be called, but it just reminded me of the golf cars people use to travel around the golf field), and I got to join them for lunch..it was a good one! and then they drove me back even though it was such a short distance
Later bei came and brought me whole bunch medicine and even some chinese herbs and tea...that was sweet of her..she is leaving too in couple days
evening, I had dinner in ken's place..zeus was the cook! i heard he was good so i thought i should really go try it ....wow a lot of people, kinda surprised, stella made me ginger tea for me to help me recover, that was very kind of her, people were shocked by my 'sexy' voice..
Then we went to watched "Pirates". That night was the first showing..I think this was my first time ever going for 首映,basically it means more people= more cars= no parking= have to go early and..more expensive . we were the last car who reached, it was pretty full, we ended up have to sit separately from the group . I love the movie. It got pretty cold, I kept coughing
5/27 (Sun)
I didnt go to dallas today, mainly because I wasnt feeling well and it was probably not suitable for me to have a long trip, plus I wouldnt be able to eat all the good food....esp seafood!!! ah..
I had lunch with zeus instead, he is leaving monday! I promised to treat him before he left because he did me a great favor by bringing my computer all the way to washington to see if it can be saved...my computer was sick..since it was hard to find a time that works for him, I decided to cancel my plan of going to church and the meeting with my japanese conversation partner...he was late though!!! haha but it was ok, he was the 'big person' of the day..we went to a jazz restaurant, he told me that he liked jazz so i thought i should bring him to the place before he leaves here, plus that is the only place that has live jazz music in sunday afternoon..Issei, shy, hal who were jazz musicians were all there either playing or hanging out, kinda surprised, they came talk to me one by one..was a little bit surprised cuz shy never really came talk to me before i think, and he said they would play ballad because i liked it as i mentioned in facebook....they played "someday my prince will come", my favourite tune...reminded me of my jazz teacher, it so happened that everytime I went to see my teacher play he would play this tune
after that we went to check out paseo, a place I heard from yaniv who highly recommended it, never been there, zeus did though, i was telling him about places that he had to go before leaving OK, later he found out that he had been there before, it so happened that they have art festival today, so i thought this might be the good time to take a look, though i know i should be back to school to practise. It was basically like a street...with a lot of booths outside...we tested some wine in the booth that offers wine testing.....cant imagine that i felt a little bit headache later even just a tiny bit....he was like...what? haha
热爱耳环的我买了一对耳环,因为有点损伤所以半价, 嘻
晚上, 发生了一件非常突然的事, 近乎一年了,没想到我竟然得到了个答案,解释与交代, 解开了长久以来的疑惑与不解,totally unexpected, 世事难料
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